Congratulations !!!!!!
DBN has been accredited for outstanding development of the international dimension in the curriculum by British Council UK/IN

British Council- International School Award 2020-23
In this academic session, the school initiated the process of instilling a global dimension in the teaching-learning experience and got the school registered for British Council's International School Award.
The students within the school were involved in the international framework of collaborative activities. Our students conversed with Kfarfakoud Public School-Lebanon and Dikshalaya Nepal Foundation-Kathmandu (Nepal).
DBN School successfully completed 7 activities(3 foreign collaboratives and 4 in-house activities) and submitted a dossier for the International School Award 2020 for approved action plans. The following seven activities were performed during the session:
1. Junk Food Jungle
2. Safer Road Safer People(Traffic Rules)
3. Let's Explore The World With Great Fun
4. Biodiversity- Variety Of Life On Earth
5.Waste Could Be The Best
6. Wow Water
7. Hazards Of Pollution(Air Pollution)