DAV DBN Sr. Sec. School

Managed by DAV College Managing Committee, New Delhi CBSE Affiliated, Exclusively English Medium, Co-Educational School

Syllabus 1st Assessment test 2021-22(Class I TO X AND XII)  
I Bably Rathor Hindi पाठ - 1 से 5 ,भाषाअभ्यास पेज न.1 से19,फूल और जानवरों के नाम
I Bably Rathor EVS Lesson - 1 to 3
I Geeta Mishra English English Reader ch-1 to 6, English Practice book pages from 1 to 17, Name of Flowers and Animals
I Geeta Mishra Maths Unit- 1 & 2, dodging table 2 & 3, number names from 1 to 20
II Bably Rathor Hindi पाठ - 1 से 5, भाषा अभ्यास पेज न. 1 से 23. फलों और सब्जियों के नाम
II Bably Rathor EVS Lesson - 1 to 3
II Geeta Mishra English Reader Ch-1 to 6, English practice book Ex 1 to 5, name of fruits and vegetables.
II Geeta Mishra Maths Unit 1 & 2, number names up to 500, dodging table 2 to 5.
III Shobha Mishra Science Lesson 1 to 4 L-1My Body L-2 Plants Around us L-3 Leaf L-4 Importance of plants.
III Bably Rathor Hindi पाठ - 1से 4 , भाषा अभ्यास पेज न. 1 से 7
III Geeta Mishra So.St. Ch- 1 to 3, Name of states
III Rahul Sharma maths Lesson 1 to 4
III Pooja Mishra English ENGLISH READER: Unit 1- Animal World ENGLISH PRACTICE BOOK: Unit 1 Naming Words, unit 3 How Many{Numbers} unit 4 - Describing Words, unit 5-Verbs
IV Shobha Mishra Science Lesson-1 to 4 L-1 My Body L-2 Plants L-3 Flowers and Fruits L-4 Plants Around us.
IV Shobha Mishra SST Lesson-1 to 4 L-1 Family Relationship L-2 Sensitivity towards others L-3 Celebrating our Diversity L-4 An Ideal Home.
IV Bably Rathor Hindi पाठ - 1से 4, भाषा अभ्यास पेज न. 1 से 16
IV Rahul Sharma Maths Lesson 1 to 4
IV Pooja Mishra English ENGLISH READER: Unit 1 Sports ENGLISH PRACTICE BOOK: unit 1 naming words, unit 2 genders, unity Pronouns unit 4 prepositions
V Pramila Vyas science Lesson 1 to 5 L-1 My Body,L-2 Plants,L-3 Forests,L-4 Animals-Our Friends L-5 Food and health
V Pramila Vyas s.st Lesson 1 to 5 L-1 importance of family L-2 Human Migration L-3 Variation in shelters L-4 Sensitivity towards others L-5 Community Services
V Manju mishra Hindi भाषा माधुरी पाठ 1 से 5 ,अभयास सागर 1 से 5 संज्ञा सर्वनाम प्राथना पत्र
V Rahul Sharma Maths Lesson 1 to. 4
V Pooja Mishra English ENGLISH READER: Unit 1 unit 1 growing up unit 2 books ENGLISH PRACTICE BOOK: unit 1 nouns unit 2 determiners unit 3 apostrophe
VI Anju Sharma Sanskrit Lesson 1st to 3rd with vyakaran/grammar
VI Teena Arora Mathematics Ch1 Natural Numbers and Whole Numbers (15 marks) , Ch2 Factors and Multiples (15 marks)
VI Pramila Vyas science Lesson 1 to 5 L-1 Our Environment L-2 Food L-3 Nature of Matter L-4 Separation of Substances L-5 Changes Around Us
VI Manju mishra Hindi ज्ञान सागर पाठ 1 से 5 ,भाषा अभ्यास 1 से 5 पाठ ,व्याकरण संज्ञा ,पत्र,अनुछेद
VI Manoj Kumar SST 1 The planet Earth and the Solar system,2 Representation of the Earth, 3 Locating place on the Earth, 8 Studying the past, 9 Life of Early man.
VI Pooja Mishra English ENGLISH READER: Unit 1 celebrations, unit 2 hobbies; ENGLISH PRACTICE BOOK: unit 1 putting it together, unit 2 regular and irregular verbs, unit 3 determiners; English literature- unit 1 how daddy decided what he wanted to be, unit 2 the white elephant, poem 3 leisure and unit 4 my experiments with truth.
VII Anju Sharma Sanskrit Lesson 1st to 3rd with vyakaran
VII Teena Arora Mathematics Ch1 Rational Numbers , Ch2 Operations of Rational Numbers , Ch3 Rational Numbers as Decimals
VII Pramila Vyas science Lesson 1 to 5 L-1 Nutrition in living organism-plants L-2 Nutritio in living organism-Animals and man L-3 Chemical substances and processes L-4 Acids ,Bases and Salts L-5 Heat
VII Archna Mishra Hindi ज्ञान सागर पाठ 1से 6,पाठ 1 बारह मासा, पाठ 2 नाटक में नाटक, पाठ 3 निर्मला,सांप और सयाल पाठ 4 बातूनी ,पाठ 5 राजू का सपना ,पाठ 6 समय कविता, अभ्यास सागर पाठ 1 से 3
VII Manoj Kumar SST 1 Components of Environment, 2 The Earth and changes on it, 3 The surface and interior of the Earth,19-Ourstate Government, 20-Media- The mainstay of Democracy.
VII Pratiksha Nagar English English Literature -Chapters 1, 2 and 3- Monkey Trouble, Birdie, Will You Pet ?, A Hero .
VIII Anju Sharma Sanskrit Lesson 1st to 5th with grammar
VIII Archna Mishra Hindi ज्ञान सागर पाठ 1 से 6, पाठ 1 हम पंछी उन्मुक्त गगन के ,पाठ 2 असल धन,पाठ 3 अच्छे पडौसी के गुण ,पाठ 4 दोपहरी ,पाठ 5 आकाश की सात सीढियाँ , पाठ 6 आश्रम के अतिथि और संस्मरण। अभ्यास सागर पाठ 1से3
VIII Sudhir Kumar Agrawal Maths ch-1 Square and Square roots, 2- Cubes and cube roots , 3 - EXPONENTS and REDICALS , 4 - DIRECT and INVERSE VARIATION , 7 - ALGEBRAIC Identities
VIII Manoj Kumar SST 1Resourses: Utilisation and Development, 2 Natural Resources:Land,soil and water, 3 Natural Resources: Vegetation and Wildlife, 8 The Modern Period, 9 Establishment of Company rule,16 Our constitution,17 Fundamental right, fundamental duties and directive principles of state policy.
VIII Nidhi Kishnani Science Chapter 1 The Cell it's Structure and function and chapter 2 Microorganisms Friends or Foes
VIII Pratiksha Nagar English English Literature - Chapters 1 to 3 - Three Questions, Granny's Tree Climbing, The Fun They Had.
IX Teena Arora Mathematics Ch1 Number system (15 marks) , Ch2 Polynomial( 15 marks)
IX manju mishra Hindi गद्य 1 और 2,पद्य कबीर ,वाख ,वितान ,इस जल प्रलय में
IX vinay Kumar Mishra IT 402 unit 1 Introduction to It and Ites Industry Unit 2 Data Entry and keyboarding skills Unit 3 Digital Documentation. Unit 4 Electronic Spreadsheet
IX Manoj Kumar SST The French revolution, Socialism in Europe and the Russian revolution, The story of Palampur.
IX Nidhi Kishnani Science Chapter 1 Matter in our Surroundings, Chapter 2 Is Matter around us pure and Chapter 5 The fundamental unit of life
IX Pratiksha Nagar English Beehive (Prose) - The Fun They Had, The Sound of Music(Part 1 and 2). Beehive (Poetry) - The Road Not Taken, Wind. Moments - The Lost Child, The Adventures of Toto
X Surylata Hindi पद्य भाग-सूरदास, तुलसीदास, देव। गद्य भाग-नेताजी का चश्मा बाल गोविंद भगत/कृतिका- माता का अंचल जॉर्ज पंचम की नाक समास क्रिया विशेषण
X Mamta Rajput Social Science History Chapter 1_The Rise of Nationalism in Europe. Democratic Politics _II Chapter 1 Power sharing .Chapter 2 Federalism
X Chhavi Sharma Mathematics Ch1 Real numbers,Ch2 Polynomials,Ch8 Introduction to trigonometry,Ch9 Some applications of trigonometry, Ch15 probability
X Nidhi Kishnani Science Chapter 1 Chemical Reactions and Equations and Chapter 6 Life processes
X Pratiksha Nagar English First Flight (Prose) - Lessons 1 and 2 - A Letter to God, Nelson Mandela : Long Walk to Freedom. First Flight (Poetry) - Poems 1,2 and 3 - Dust of Snow, Fire and Ice, A Tiger in the Zoo. Footprints Without Feet - Lessons 1 and 2 - A Triumph of Surgery, The Thief's Story. 
XII Suryalata Rajawat Hindi पुस्तक आरोह-हरिवंश रा.य बच्चन, आलोक धनवा,. कुंवर नारायण, भक्तिन, बाजार दर्शन, काले मेघा पानी दे, पहलवान की ढोलक । वितान-सिलवर वैडिंग,जूझ,वाच्य ।
XII Sourabh Sharma PE ch-1 planning in sports, ch-2 sports and nutrition , ch-3 yoga and lifestyle
XII Bindu Maheshwari English Flamingo-
Ch.1 The Last Lesson Ch.2 Lost Spring
Poem- My Mother At Sixty-six.
- An Elementary School Classroom In a Slum.
Vistas- Ch.1 The Third Level.
Chapter 2 - The Tiger King.
Invitations and replies. Reading Comprehension
XII ARTS Mamta Rajput Political Science Politics in India Since Independence_Chapter _ 1 Challenges of Nation Building. Chapter_Politics of Planned Development. Contemporary World Politics-Capter 1 The Cold War Era .Chapter2 The End of Bipolarity.
XII COMM Ritvik Economics Ch-1 Introduction - Macroeconomics; Ch-2 Circular Flow of Income; Ch-3 National Income and Related Aggregates
XII COMMERCE Neha Mathur Business studies ch 1 -Nature answers significance of management, ch 2 - Principles of management, ch - 3 Business environment
XII COMMERCE Neha Mathur Accountancy Ch 2 - Accounting for partnership firm ,Ch -3 Goodwill ,Ch 4- change in profit sharing ratio among existing partners
XII SC Chhavi Sharma Mathematics Ch2 Inverse trigonometric functions,Ch3 Matrices,Ch4 Determinants
XII SC Jyotsna Mamodonia Biology ch-2, ch-3, ch-4 reproduction in plants, reproduction in animals, reproductive health
XII SC SHAMMI SOMANI CHEMISTRY (1) Solid state (2) alcohols phenols and ethers (3) chemistry in everyday life (4) polymers
Fundamental geography ch-1, 2, 3
XII SC AMRITA JOSHI PHYSICS Ch -1 electric charge and field
Ch -2 electric potential and capacitance
Ch- 3 current electricity
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